Dean Howard & Co Limited

Diversity Survey Summary 2023

In our recently conducted diversity survey, it revealed the following:

  • Our staff gender demography reflects 100% male.
  • On religious diversity, it currently represents 50% Christianity and the other respondent prefers not to say.
  • On ethnicity, our company presently has 50% African and 50% Black British

In future, my firm will aim to address and improve the diversity imbalance by reflecting it in our future recruitment drive where possible.

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“Dean Howard & Co has offered our company a first class service, in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The staff are helpful, courteous and responsive to the needs of our service. the principal partner, Mr Dean engaged in an academic research recently. exploring the difficulties facing access to business finance for small and medium enterprises and his input were tremendously beneficial, insightful, portraying his depth of knowledge of the academic orientations in the sector. We continually recommend his services to others who require an independent, professional service.”

Muibat Babs
Muibat Babs, Babsinc(UK)Ltd

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